How do you feel about the “No Makeup” Movement?

This story’s been popping up all over the place for the last few months. Here’s the most recent one. I wholeheartedly applaud Alicia Keys for deciding to go makeup free.  She’s even trying to encourage others to do the same.  She explains her “why’s” HERE. I realize alot of people are offended by this notion. They think because she’s what they call “naturally beautiful” that she has an unfair advantage over the rest of us and that’s entirely not the case nor the message she’s trying to promote.

Wearing makeup isn’t a problem. I don’t think that’s the message. I think her stance helps to point out a bigger issue. I think it points out the fear women have at the thought or reality of not wearing makeup. Many of us as women have a STRONG dependence in that department as if it’s a safety blanket or something. Makeup which I believe should ONLY be used to enhance our beauty–not create it— has become a mask of sorts. You hear terms like “I have to go put on my face” before I go anywhere. Put on your face? You’re always wearing your face. I remember watching a reality show (which will remain unamed) and the topic of going makeup free for a particular gathering came up and all but 2 of the housewives were able to do so. Everyone else were horrified by the thought. There horrified reaction saddened me but I could relate and I know so many other women can. When it comes to our appearance we can have alot of insecurities. Why do we feel the need to look perfect in public?
Now I’m not against putting your “best face forward” so to speak. I myself am the biggest fan of mascara and lipgloss (2 things I wear religiously–with eye liner from time to time). Truth be told I don’t care to nor have the patience to deal with powders, foundation, concealers, etc.But I will wear lipgloss and mascara mainly to add color to my lips—they’re the biggest feature on my face and to enhance my eyes since I have short eyelashes (which makes me roll my eyes at all of the men I know with super long lashes LOL).  It’s absolutely ok to wear what you wear but you have to ask yourself “am I just as beautiful without it”? If you can’t say yes then that points to a deeper issue.
So after reading about Alicia Keys going makeup free for the umpteenth time I felt compelled to snap myself as well. So you’ve seen my posted pic with and without makeup above. The top photo is of me post workout with a little lipgloss.  Yes, I wear lipgloss most of the time—what can I say I like the color and don’t like dry lips LOL. And here’s a pic of me sans the lipgloss (bottom photo). Both are ME! Both are beautiful. Years ago I don’t think I would’ve been able to do this. But it’s SO liberating and fun. You should try it. Everyone needs a cool selfie of themself makeup free. And while taking it I want you to stare back at your bare-faced self and tell yourself how beautiful you are. If a little weird at first then keep doing it until it becomes the norm. May take some time buy you’ll soon begin to believe it!
The biggest lie is that we think we NEED makeup in order to be beautiful. But truth be told you are no less beautiful when you wake up in the morning then after you put on a full face of makeup. You are one in the same! What really changes? All you’re doing is adding a little bit of color to your face. Besides the truest beauty is what you cultivate internally that radiates externally. The most beautiful people can have the ugliest souls and thus be far less unattractive! I have to admit that society does a POOR job at validating our natural beauty. So called “beauty magazines” seem to praise and emphasize the perfectly made up face! I’d love to see a beauty magazine with models not donning makeup and yet still being hailed as beautiful! That would be great for a change.
I don’t know where you live or what the culture is like but you don’t have to give into any negative messages about beauty.Go make up free if you want. Or wear your makeup proudly if you’re going to wear it. But don’t feel the need to over do it! You’ve got nothing to hide. You don’t need a mask or a crutch.  You’re better then that, you’re too beautiful to have that kind of dependency!
I’m curious, how do you feel about the makeup-free movement? What’s your personal philosophy on wearing makeup?
XOXO ~Victoria

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  1. Hi Victoria – I loved your post. I can certainly remember a time when I could not go anywhere without a full face of makeup… fortunately, that is just not the case anymore. My need to look “aesthetically beautiful” came from a lack of self-esteem. I just could not accept me as I am. I’m not saying that is everyone’s issue. I just know it was mine. I now love just dabbing a bit of blush, lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara on my face. I will say that my skin cleaning and moisturizing regiment is much more pronounced. My goal is more about taking care of myself than looking like what I thought everyone wanted to see. I still struggle with body shape issues… big hips, short legs, etc… but I am processing! It takes time to accept one’s self totally and I’m on my way! Thanks for your post and God bless!

    1. Thanks for sharing Pam! So many of us can identify and have or have had the same issue throughout our lives. I agree, it’s such a wonderful thing to rise above!

  2. The first time I read about Alicia Keys, I thought NO WAY could I do that. Today I think SURE I could do that. What changed? I have acne and it had gotten so bad in the last 6 months that I reluctantly went onto antibiotics. Now my skin is clear. With my pale skin, blemishes are always very bright red and I don’t think I can get away without concealer.
    So … while I love the idea and I wear very little makeup already, I am still devoted to concealer when I have a blemish.
    I wish I were stronger, but I’m not!! hah a

    1. Hello Robin! Trust me I wholeheartedly understand! My lipgloss is my security blanket! LOL If I had to choose between adding color to my lips vs pale lips—I choose color every time!

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